LKG Full Form is Lower Kindergarten. Also, LKG meaning is nursery school where kids of age 3-4 learn and play. Also, all details like types of classes, syllabus and other important information will be provided. Therefore, this will give a good knowledge about the LKG or Lower Kindergarten to you.
LKG Full Form and LKG Meaning:
As mentioned above, LKG full form is Lower Kindergarten and LKG meaning is an educational establishment or learning space offering early childhood education to children before they begin compulsory education at primary school. Also, mostly these are preferred as private institutions. Therefore, there is a tough competition in these institutions. Hence, this benefit children’s due to variety of options available for quality education. Also, the following chart shall help understanding the LKG curriculum in detail.
Particulars | Course Details |
Course | LKG (full form – Lower Kindergarten) |
Classes | Nursery (LKG meaning) |
Age for Admission | 3-4 years |
Duration | 1 year |
Syllabus / Things Taught | (1) Writing (2) Playing (3) Singing (4) Painting (5) Music (6) Other development Activities (This is very clear from the LKG Full Form) |
Teaching hours | 3 – 4 Hours depending on the school |
Examination | No competative exams are conducted. But, progress reports are seen and signed by the parents. |
Purpose | Making children ready for UKG and then Primary education |
Best Schools for LKG in India:
Now LKG Full Form and also LKG meaning is very clear. Therefore, you should know some of the best LKG Schools in India. Also, choosing a right school at this stage is very important. This is because, child easily gets admission in the primary education of the same school. Otherwise, they may face shortage of seats or interview hardships. Therefore, list of some best known LKG schools is as follows:
- Campion School , Mumbai
- Bombay Scottish School
- Mallya Aditi International School
- Gitanjali School, Hyderabad
- Sardar Patel Vidyalaya ,New Delhi
- The Shri Ram School, Aravali ,Gurgaon
- St.Xavier’s Collegiate School, Kolkata
- Amity International, Noida
- Jamna Bai Narsee School
Therefore, all the queries regarding LKG are answered and we can now call it a wrap on our topic of LKG Full Form and also understanding on LKG Meaning.